Fourth of July rocked.
Todd didn't have work at the physical therapy clinic in the morning which was SWEET (insert thumbs up and party popper emoji here...you'd be surprised how often my mind thinks in emojis now haha, it's pathetic). So we started off with breakfast at Bill and Hawley's house with Bill's side of the family. After hanging out there, we went back home and gave Reese the nap of the century. We were outside for the breakfast, and holy hannah, Utah is HOT in July! I think all that sunshine wore Reese out but in the best way possible!
After that, Todd had work at the MTC, so Reese and I went to the pool. Reese LOVES the water, and I love the pool. Win, win for us both. She just sits there and splashes the water with her hands. It was so hot out for the fourth, so the pool felt amazing. Reese loves people watching too. She always seems to catch people's eyes, and they either come up and make a comment about her delicious cheeks or that she doesn't eat enough (sarcasm dripping from their pores). I'm kind of having to fake laugh these days at that one haha, I hear it atleast five times a day. At the pool, we hung out with my freshman year bestie, Courtney and her family. Let me tell ya...they don't come like the Honkas. Had a blast hanging out and spending time with them while they were in town. Love that family...really good, down-to-earth people.
After the pool, Todd got home from work, and it was off to Stadium of Fiyahhhh! I couldn't have been more excited about Stadium of Fire because first of all I'd never been before, and secondly, (drumroll please)...
Yes, the woman who has sung just about every life anthem I've had at every stage of my teenage, college, and brief mom years, was singing at the Stadium of Fire I got to go to. EPIC PEOPLE! We were with Todd's family for the show, so I was trying to keep my ecstatic, fan-faring self to a minimum, as not to startle or freak anyone out haha. But when we got there, I kept leaning over in Todd's ears squealing, "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh". There was a lot of arm squeezing.
When Carrie finally took the stage, I was so emotional! Ha! I got a little choked up when she came out, and THEN...she sang one of my favorite, "See You Again". When the music for the song started up, without any notice, the tears just started FLOWING. I would have never thought in a million years I would have reacted that way, but I sure as heck did! It's crazy the kind of emotions we associate with certain songs, and how just by listening to them, they can bring back a certain time in your life and the feelings associated with that time. I was reminded of how powerful music is to me. I feel like since I've become a mom, I haven't enjoyed music as much as I used to, and that's just NOT COOL. I want Reese to enjoy and love music just as much as I do, even if it's different kinds of music. There is music for everyone, and it touches everyone in such different, very personal ways.
Then...she sang "Jesus Took the Wheel," and ladies and gents...I was sobbing hysterically. I was such a hot mess! That song means so much to me for so many reasons, but one of them is that after my friend from high school, Elizabeth ("E"), died, her mom often posted on facebook about that song. So naturally, every time I heard it, it took on a new meaning for me and reminded me of "E". Aside from that, it was a song that I listened to often throughout my life when I felt like throwing my hands in the air and literally being like, "God, take control of my life, because I don't know where to go from here". Needless to say, that song is a charged song for me, and as a little embarrassed as I was, I was grateful I got to experience those emotions again because it reminded me that things always come full circle! No matter what you're going through, I promise it is for just a season! God is on your side. He is your champion, your confidant, your cheerleader.
After Carrie Underwood, the fireworks began and were fun to watch. I had never been so close to fireworks before, and it was awesome (and freakin' hot). Todd was adorable and put ear-plugs in to soften the sound for his poor little ears haha.
I really enjoyed spending the night with Todd/Buns. Dates are such a catharsis. Before we left for the show, my niece, Macy, didn't want her dad to go. As my brother-in-law Troy gave Macy a big squeeze, he said, "But mommy and daddy have to go on dates together, so they don't hate each other and get a divorce." He was being funny, but let's be real...that statement is SO TRUE. Dates with Todd are SO important to me. I seriously can tell the difference between us when it's been too long that we've been on a date with each other, just me and him. Dates are underrated, and I can promise you that for my sanity, we will be going on them consistently for the rest of our lives.
Bottom line, I really enjoyed this Fourth of July. I'm so grateful for this country we live in and the freedoms we enjoy. Because of the people that fought for those freedoms, I enjoy the beautiful life I live with the beautiful people that are in it.
Cheers to another year of independence America!
That was such an awesome day and night!