10 July 2014

Dear Reese

Dear Reese, 

Sometimes I like to sneak in on you while you sleep.  You're so peaceful while you sleep.  When I peak over your crib, I think about how big you've gotten.  How when you first laid in this crib, you were 9 inches shorter and 14 pounds lighter.  You have a personality now.  You laugh, you recognize my voice, and you make sounds like "mamama" or "bababa".  To think that in another six months you could be walking and even bigger is crazy.  So crazy.  I can't wait to hear what your voice sounds like and how your personality will emerge even more.  And your hair.  What will that look like?  So weird to think about you with hair.  

I just hope you know I love you and always will.  You make my life beautiful.  When God told you that I was going to be your mom, thanks for coming anyways!  Haha.

Love you Roni.

XO, Momma


  1. Love that you caught this moment! I love peaking in on my kids while they are sleeping;)

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