20 July 2010

...like father like son...

happy belated birthday dad!

july 17th is a special day for the dickerson boys.
not only is it my amazing dad's birthday, but it's also my awesome grandpa d's!
two men that i love tremendously.

5 reasons my dad rocks:
1. extremely athletic...still. he's a baller & is training now for a half marathon.
2. plays the piano like a madman. one of my dearest memories growing up is dad playing the piano.
3. he is a man willing to sacrifice anything for his family.
4. loves my mom.
5. he is always teaching me mini-lessons on faith, strength, eternal perspective, & love for the lord without even realizing it. he's always taught through example & it has been a tremendous blessing in my life.

those are just a few of the many reasons i love my dad and why he is one of the most influencial people in my life. a great man teaching me through a great example.

love you dad.
it's so cliche, but seriously...thanks for all you do. i don't know where i'd be without you!

{p.s. we celebrated pop's bday by starting off with a 7 mile run @ 6am while it was still pretty cool. except just because you're up that early and the sun's not out, doesn't mean that tennessee blanket of humidity goes away. blanket of sweat covered my entire body. i probably perspired my weight in sweat. gotta love those long runs on saturdays. then stocked up on our carbs with some panera bread cinnamon crunch bagels. yuuuuuum. then we all went to see the sorceror's apprentice! then we trekked over to get dad his stunna shades. he loves his new sunglasses haha. didn't take em off all day. then we went to outback to celebrate some more & get some grub. lemme tell ya...it was so nice to all be together, hanging out. i seriously love my family. so then we went home and chilled, took some naps, woke up and played some serious spades. i think me, dad & hunter were up until 1:30am playing. i love spades. new favorite card game. all around it was a great day & i got to spend it with the greatest dad e'er!! we love you so much dad!!}

1 comment :

  1. Happy Birthday Dad!!!!! We love you so much and hope that you had a wonderful day. Wish we could have been there!


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