21 January 2015

Ain't Nobody Got Time For That

Just because sometimes you pin your heart out when you're supposed to be working.  Some pins that have struck my fancy lately... (and please excuse my not giving credit to wherever these pins came from...ain't NObody got time for THAT)

And just a couple random tidbits:
1. Roni caught a bug from our trip.
2. But it was the best trip e'er. More on Portland to come.
3. I hate a sick Reese, but I love the cuddles.
4. This pregnancy is shockingly easy right now.  I'm scared for the third trimester and labor. 
5.  Sesame Street for daaaysss.
6.  I crave pickles this pregnancy.
7.  My house is a mess, and there is not an ounce of my body that desires to clean it.  I got in this declutter mode yesterday, and all it seemed to have done is made things worse. #holla
8.  Our car broke down...again. #holla
9.  I got stuff for Valentine's crafts. #holla
10.  Makeup has been scarce ever since the trip.  Sweats have been abundant. 

Happy Wednesday y'all!
, Ashton Tilton

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