WARNING: Explicitly cheesy content of my love for my husband and his buns in this post, as well as the typical, incorrect use of grammar.
It has been foevvaaaaaa. To save you a lengthy post (which this might actually end up being anyway), life for the past couple of weeks has been CRAY. For no reason in particular, other than ever since getting back from Tennessee to visit my parents (more on that at the bottom of the post!), I have been utterly epic failing at getting back into the routine of daily life. But man oh man was it worth it.
For quite some time, I'd really been missing my parents. I guess that's an always thing, but for the past couple of months it's been "bad real bad, Michael Jackson." I wish we lived closer. And that's that. So Reese and I flew to Nashville (Reese's first flight! a.k.a. the flight from hell...only because wrangling Reese was exhausting, but at least she was all smiles!) and had such a great time hanging with her Grandma Lynn and Grandpa D! More deets of the trip in the Weekly Yin-Yangs at the bottom of this post.
If I had to sum up the past couple of weeks in one word it would be...progressive? Thought-provoking? Incredibly...ponderful? Haha, idk, none of those are really hitting the nail on the head, but I guess I've just been continuing to learn about myself as a mother, wife, and friend. Just tidbits. Things that I feel that I'm good at. Things that I really, really suck at. Pardon my french.
I've realized that I absolutely, 100% married the man of my dreams, best friend, and tell-it-like-it-is stud that gets my blood pumpin'.
Todd and I went on a hot date to the Sundance Halloween chairlift this weekend, and words can't describe how much I needed that hot date. Note to self though: Bring a blanket! Holy hellfire, it was chilly at some points in the ride! But we got to snuggle, laugh at all the corny, scary Halloween scenes below, and talk about every stage of our relationship and life together from beginning to now. We talked about a lot of fun memories that neither of us had thought about in a while, and it made me want to jump his bones buns (see WARNING at top of post).
Communication y'all. Make it happen in your marriage. (Since I have such experience under my belt to be offering advice....HA ) It's one of those things I can really, really stink at sometimes, but whenever I take the time to talk things out (typically encouraged by Buns), it's usually always worth it.
>>Yangs: Celebrating my brother Todd's 23rd birthday bowling with my fambam // Visiting my parents in Nashville!! // movies with momma // BYU football with dad // chats for daaays with momma // pizza date with dad // Martinelli's with momma // just spending time with them in general was much needed // Reese spending time with her Grandma Lynn and Grandpa D // Jakers pumpkin patch with Barrett cousins // happy baby girl // Sesame Street // pumpkin cake // Jakers take two with friends followed by the best cazookie I've ever had in my life // game nights with friends // our church primary program that always brings me to tears (sweet merciful, I'll be a mess when our kids are actually IN it) // shopping with momma // Sundance Halloween chairlift with Buns // tender mercies delivered in the form of laundry // newlywed sister and bro-in-law // in-laws // pumpkin decorating // people that love Reese almost as much as I do // baby rolls // Reese's curly lips // "days that allow bras off, hair up, sweats on" // Roni baths with Grandma Lynn // workout music // coming home to find Todd's leg stuck in the window trying to get in because he was locked out (priceless!
Have a great week y'all!
❤, Ashton Tilton
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