DIY Family Photo Banner: Y'ALL. I have been wanting to do this project for a while now, and I finally buckled down and did it! And two greatest things about it is that it was easy and cheap. My favorite route in life! Haha. But seriously, this was a fun project and not as intimidating as it may seem. I'm going to walk you through what I did personally, but there are so many variations and ways to do this. I'll give you some even cheaper and quicker options along the way as well. But most important thing is be creative and do your thang! Your style may be different than mine, so dress it up or down as you please. For example, I think I'm going to dress it up for the time of year it is. Rotate different pictures throughout the year, and in blank spots, I'll clip up pumpkins for fall, ghosts and bats for Halloween, and maybe Christmas trees for Christmas, etc... Have fun with it! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment at the end:). Cheers to a happy, handmade home!
Step 1. Gather your supplies
>>Print Works Matte Photo Paper was no more than $8 (I meant to keep the receipt but forgot!). I got it from WalMart. Love this paper. You get 80 sheets and am also using the paper to print off art for our gallery wall in the living room. So many uses for this paper! Also great for scrapbooking.
>>Recollections larger clothespins for $3 from Michaels because I used their weekly 40% off coupon for one regular priced item. Turns out these clothespins were too large and heavy to hold up my pictures. The pins covered up most of the picture, so I returned them and bought instead...
>>Recollections mini clothespins for $3.99 a piece, BUT I used the 40% off coupon again, and got one for half off. Depends on how many photos you want on your banner. I printed 40 photos, and these came in packs of 30, so I needed one more. ***Price tip: The regular mini tan clothespin cost less for more.
>>Baker's Twine was $2.99 from Michael's. You can find smaller amounts of it at Target for cheaper as well. Or just use any kind of string you might have laying around the house!
>>Not pictured: I forgot to include how to hang the string, but you can use nails or the fancy nails with the circles on the end (don't know what they're called! lol). They're shown in pictures below. I had them laying around the house, so I used those.
Step 2. Instaport and BeFunky
Want to know my secret for the squares? It's probably not a secret for some of you, but! Go to, click "Create Collage." On the left hand side, there's an icon for "Templates". Click it. Then click "Grid" style. I used the 4-square grid template, and my pictures are about 3x3 inches. There are also grids with more squares though if you want your pictures smaller. You can upload your pictures to drop into the squares. Once I used 4 pictures, I saved it to a folder on my desktop for this specific project. Once saved, I hit "Clear All" above the collage I just made, and deleted those four pictures on the left hand side of the screen, so I could keep better track of what pictures I had used.
All of these pictures are pictures from my Instagram. If you're like me, that's how I scrapbook! I've found it's easiest for me to record the happenings of our little fambam. So how do you download all of your Instagram photos in less than 3 minutes?!!! How had I not known about this all along!? You can download all pictures that have a certain hashtag or pictures in between certain dates or just all of them! Once I had those downloaded, I uploaded them on and got to work! I heart if you couldn't tell.
Once I saved all of my photo grids, I put that printer to the grind! If you don't have a printer at home, you can just upload them all in an email to your local printing shop. Before we had a printer, FedEx Office Print was my best friend. ***Price tip: You could probably get even cheaper prices at your local, small printing business. I just like FedEx Office Print because I can upload and email them all my files to print in one easy sit down.
Step 3. Get to cuttin'
I used good old fashioned scissors which get the job done perfectly, but if you want to cut your time down even more, you can get a handy-dandy scrapbooking paper trimmer, for $13 from (click here). OR you can find one at Michaels for an even better deal using the 40% weekly coupon.
Step 4. Hangin' time
Now is the fun part. You get to hang all of your memories! I did mine in a timeline. I mentioned at the beginning of the post that it might be fun to hang some holiday theme things on the banner too. I might even add a fabric banner above these photo banners the says, "Remember When". "Remember When" is kind of a special thing for Todd and I. When he proposed, he put a sign on the door that led downstairs to my basement apartment that said "Remember When". When I opened the door, he had a sign on each step with a different memory he had of us while we were dating. He did it when we had our first anniversary too. Such a cutie. And way more tender-hearted than he would ever let on. Anyways...have fun with the photo banner, and make it any way that suits your fancy! Like I said earlier, I used the circley-screwy-naily thing-a-ma-bob. But run of the mill nails are perfect! Space out your twine depending on how many pictures you have total. I put all the nails up first, spacing them out evenly, and then I hung the string.
Step 5. Sit back and reminisce!
I'm so glad that our kitchen wall is no longer bare! This was a relatively quick and really cheap way to decorate an empty wall in your house. It was driving me crazy, but I didn't want to spend a lot of money on frames. So now here I am with a wall displaying photos of my family, reminding me of special memories, and it only cost me less than $20! Boom baby.
Happy crafting!
❤ , Ashton Tilton
P.S. Here are some of my other favorite ways to display instagram photos that I found pinteresting. Follow my boards on Pinterest and see where I get a lot of my inspiration by clicking here.
{via: A Beautiful Mess}
{via: A Mac Life}
{via: Life's Little Moments}
I LOVE this! I'm definitely looking at a wall I can cover in pictures now :)