stop & rewind.
{there is SO much i need to catch up on...i've been trying to get pictures to load from momma's birthday, paige's birthday, & paige's & todd's graduation...they FINALLY decided to upload. so here are my catch up posts about some of the most important people in my life.}
happy belated momma!
{over the hill edition & you'd never know it! thanks for everything mom! loooove you tons. something i've been most grateful for & have loved seeing everyday here at home is your smile. you have one dang gorgeous, contagious smile.}
happy belated paige (a.k.a. ayah)!
{17 baby! thanks for being the sweetest gal i know. i'm too lucky to be your sister. been roomies since we were little tykes. you've been such an example to me of selfless love & service. you are the peacemaker in our family. you are my best puppy partner-in-crime, my border's bosom buddy, my pool pal, my fellow movie maniac, & my sweet lil sis. i love you a million snickers bars times infinity.}
Sisters are the best. I don't know what I would do without my lil' sis!